Hello Precious Ones,. I have been making batches for two of my children who came down with Covid and it is the perfect comfort food. Our son seems to be on the mend, but our daughter is still recovering. Please keep them in your prayers! Chicken soup recipe by Suzanne Fowler. Perfect for loved ones who need a comfort meal.
Easy to make. Suzanne Fowler shows how to make Chicken Soup. The perfect comforting soup for times when family or friends are under the weather and not feeling well. How more often we cry out to God? I seriously think God allows some of us to keep our weight, to help us see with ourselves more as we really are. No difference than we should be satisfied with our spiritual life.
Our life is a progress a journey and different times will bring us to different crossroads. We must never be satisfied with where we are at any time in our life. As we know that being overweight is not healthy we should do what we can to improve our health. But let us not get discouraged when what we apply, does not work.
Keep in mind that God loves you the way you are. Whether overweight, in a wheelchair, or with missing eyes, honestly; He loves you the way you are. What we must be sure of, is the state of our soul. And that is the most beautiful thing when in the state of grace. The value of one soul cannot be measured.
It caused God Himself to give up His life for us. Never undervalue how much you are worth to God, when He Himself died for you. So take care of your soul 1 st , and your body will take care of itself. But there are some times in my life, that I got frustrated by not being able to make progress with weight loss.
When we are doing all we can, but make no progress — use that time to mold us spiritually. But, when all is said and done, we still want to lose weight. To be able to fit into regular size clothes, to not feel ugly when we get dressed and step out the door.
So, we look. You see when I was young, I struggled with anorexia and bulimia. When only 13, I lost 60lbs in one summer. It was a scary time. Years later, as I became a mom and recovered my weight, I was afraid of dieting. As much as I wanted to lose the weight I had gained, I was afraid of going down the same path when I was younger. Ultimately I realized what I really wanted was the be healthy, avoid heart attacks and stroke like the stroke I had when I was only 26yrs old.
So I studied natural health for 6 years. This comes from the misconception that being overweight is just from laying around too much and eating too much.
This is far from the truth. For one thing, there is never a quick fix solution. But we all still fall for it, and there goes another bit of our money down the tube. Many of us are mothers of many. Perhaps you have 3 children 7 or 12? But not in the way we think. This is who I want to reach out too. Those struggling with their weight for years, trying to put it behind them.
There are plenty of mothers out there with 10 or more children, that I know of, that do not have excessive weight problems. Does this mean they just have more control of their eating?
I am sure they do, but this is not the entire answer. What came first? The chicken or the egg? But more often, I think — poor health causes us to gain weight and more than we think. Late nights, new babies, lack of sleep start the cycle of your body being under stress. Catholic moms are especially prone to this, with the frequent babies, and the self-sacrificing we do for our families.
Studies are now showing us that lack of sleep is a cause of added weight as the body tries to cope with less rest. Stress: Stress is the end result of years of lack of sleep, lack of rest, the arguments that come up with hubby in those early years.
Colicky babies, or perhaps even disabled children, along with deaths in the family, financial woes and all the things that come up with family life. All this stress taxes the adrenals, and lays the foundation for more added weight. Adrenals: these small glands on top of your kidneys control much of the hormones in your body.
With our heavily stressed lives, these organs continue to struggle under the load. Nutritional Deficiencies: Now as we have had accumulated stress, our body starts losing out on nutrients.
This is the first indication that something has been going on for some time. Studies have shown nutrient deficiencies like Vitamin D can be the key to weight gain. Lack of Vitamin D, so common in northern hemisphere spells disaster for losing weight. B12 is also another vitamin implicated in weight gain. These two vitamins alone you should be tested for, to see where your levels are.
And overall general testing is a good idea too. Thyroid and other issues: By now, your body has been struggling under a load, this stressed body is adding weight to cope and now other organs are being compromised. For some this is Thyroid issues for others it is pancreatic, or blood sugar issues.
Or more serious issues. Both of these will wreck havoc on your plans to lose weight. Be sure to get your Thyroid and or adrenals checked if you have been struggling with your weight too.
This is another missed connection to being overweight. I, for one, went years not knowing about my gluten intolerance. Though I had all the symptoms from aching belly everyday growing up, there was never a connection made, until the damage was so intense, that my adrenals had failed and my blood sugar issues were out of control.
By then my belly had ballooned, much to my dismay. If you have not tried a gluten free diet, I encourage you to take a look at it more seriously. This could be the cause of your weight gain. One woman I met recently, lost 30 lbs just going glutenfree. Overeating caused by wheat: another aspect of gluten intolerance is the ravenous hunger you get from eating wheat. This can come from low blood sugars too. My appetite could barely be satied, in the later years, with normal servings of food.
Since my body was not absorbing what it needed my gluten intolerance was more like an addiction. Read the Wheat Belly by Dr. W i lliam Davis. It will be a real eye opener. Diet; take a good look at what your eating. Get rid of the processed foods, that can be adding to your weight. Some popular weight loss pills have caffeine in them.
This is a quick fix solution to speed up the metabolism, but for anyone with adrenal trouble, this added caffeine will add to your weight, since caffeine increases cortisol production, which adds to belly weight.
Pay attention to label, and eat more natural foods. So what is the solution? Do you have uncontrolled hunger? Do you eat more bread then you do vegetables? Do you dream about toast, or pizza? If you have gluten symptoms see my past article for symptoms I highly recommend getting tested from www. This will be a good start for you. Nutrient Deficiencies: Get some testing done to see what your status is. I have heard things like:. From Allison I think your ideas are great and seem to hit the mark for me.
I think vulnerable is the issue for me. I will work on it From Ruth These Zoom meetings have kick started my weight loss! I was at a standstill until Suzanne offered these meetings! Your enthusiasm is infectious, Suzanne! I feel that peace with food is achievable for me!
I have already signed up for the next Zoom sessions. Call: